According to Dr. Renata Valente Carneiro, dermatologist and medical-collaborator of the Department of Dermatology, EPM / UNIFESP, technical as well as being therapeutic, is a medical indication for those with ingrown hairs and intolerance to conventional extraction methods by the including in areas of the body difficult to reach.
If you are looking for the convenience it brings or the method fits into one of the situations mentioned above, know that some care must be taken before undergoing the laser hair removal process.
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Before, during and after
To begin, a warning: "One should not present inflammatory and infectious lesions at the site will be shaved," says the expert.
The technique is also contraindicated for those who want to eliminate the whites, because there is still no effective method for this.
Renata complements recommending that "the patient is not tanned, because the lighter skin tone contrast with the more evident and removal more effective."
During the procedure, the pain usually manifests in different intensities.
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For women with higher sensitivity, the alternatives are resorting to some sort of anesthesia or ice packs and coolers on the area.
It is often necessary to make more than one application of laser in the same region of the body, generally respecting an interval of 30 days.
After the procedure, the dermatologist recommended that the site be enhanced hygiene and the avoidance of sun exposure.
For a better recovery, it also stresses that it is important to keep the skin well hydrated, without discarding the possibility, in certain cases, some special care is needed.
There are many technologies available in the market for those who want to accomplish the removal of the.
"Among the most common are the laser diode and alexandrite" explains dermatologist.
It also advances a novelty, the launch of Skintel, a device that holds the reading of the amount of melanin (pigment that gives color to the skin) in the area to be treated.
"This new technique allows the transmission of the information collected by the device for laser machine, which provides effective intensities for a safer shave without the skin adjacent to either the injured," he explains.
Health first
And then, was excited and willing to try laser hair removal?
Before starting treatment, it is important that you pay attention to the training of professionals who will perform the procedure.
The ideal is to be a specialist, because the more qualified he is, the lower the risk of burns and other problems.
With all these precautions, you will be better able to use the technique and get great results!
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