It is very common for people to spend time and money on creams, makeup and cosmetic procedures to make gorgeous skin and still suffering to end the appearance of fatigue caused by dark circles. The darkened area under the eyes bothers and discriminate any look , is not it?
Use moisturizer in the region affected by spottingBut did you know that it is not just the tiredness caused this evil? "A scout is a multifactorial aesthetic problem. Among the causes are thickening and darkening of the eyelid skin, vessels and increase blood spot with swelling or eye area to look deeper around the bone structure more prominent. In the case of fatigue, due to sleepless nights, the local swelling increases, "says dermatologist Alexandre Okubo.
According to the doctor, there are several types of treatment, but none of them guarantees 100% result. If the problem is a genetic inheritance, it becomes harder to treat than when the scout is just the result of lack of rest. The origin of the stain will determine a different action for each case. For example, there are creams that fight the darkness and vascular congestion in the region - known swelling below the eyes - on site. The lasers also propose to lighten the skin in that area. "There are even filling with hyaluronic acid in the transition from orbital bony edge to reduce the 'step' between the eyelid and bone," he explains.
Some "tricks" homemade help ease the tired look of the face and fight these unwanted little marks. Put a hot water bottle in the region or make applying cucumber slices on the eyes are among the tips, according to maternal wisdom, "do miracles". The doctor explains that these measures can help, but only in cases of sleepless nights. If the cause is genetic, the pads are not effective.
The power of makeup
As an emergency option, you can invest in good makeup products to disguise the stains that insist on not letting the skin. The visagista and makeup artist Marcos Ignacio gives a tip on how to apply the concealer in the area: "Who has striking dark circles should choose a concealer the same skin tone, because that will unify the entire face."
Dove Go Fresh
Before applying makeup, worth following homemade tips to soften the color. Mark Inacio advises making cotton swabs with chamomile tea to give a more rested appearance to the skin. Shades of hot or cold gel can also help.
For those who always suffer with dark circles, it is good to note what time do the makeup. Never apply a base in the region concealer or lighter than the rest of the face. "It does not work because it will highlight it. Furthermore, using a compact course greatly increases the expression marks. Also try not to use a composition of smoky eyes with black pencil. Black blots, drips, and dark circles appear, "says the makeup artist.
Like the image itself is essential to maintain a positive self-esteem and pamper yourself, book a time for you are simple things you can do to feel beautiful and confident every day. One last tip: in addition to treating the eye region, be sure to always pass hydrant on the entire body. This way you will have a healthy and radiant skin completely!
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