Due to the constant use of chemicals, the trend is that the wires become more dry and vulnerable to some problems such as breakage and split ends. "The reflection, for example, is stronger than conventional dye and causes dryness," explains Mark Cassolari hairdresser.
Fortunately, this does not mean that you need to give up the dream of being blonde. With the help of Mark, hairstylist, Sandro Cassolari, and Celebrite hairdresser, salon Fabinho Araújo, Vital Portal gathered tips to keep your fair hair always gorgeous and healthy.
For those born blonde
Women who have naturally clear locks suffer less from the negative effects of the chemical. However, the weekly hydration remains necessary. Only then is it possible to keep the hair shiny and soft without breaking. In addition, Mark gives us two hints: "Search only trained professionals use finishers to help close the scales of the wires and bring out the shine."
Another important information is to use specific products for blonde tones that highlight color, like those with power and moisturizing sunscreen, without forgetting the thermal protector before you use the dryer or flat iron.
For anyone staying blonde
Although the golden tones pleasing Brazilian, one must be attentive to a combination of factors to achieve the ideal color. Sandro explains: "Women can be very light skin with downcast looks, while the dark-skinned may seem vulgar."
The number of strands and the technique to distribute them should also be well thought out. Reflections (scattered blond strands) and coloring (which gives a more even tone) are some options. "No use trying to have hair like the actress from the novel if it does not match your eyes, your skin and the texture of the yarn. The ideal is to consult a professional to give the best color for you;! After all, there are hundreds of possibilities, "ensures Fabinho.
The maintenance varies according to the load applied to lighten their locks technique. In general, the color calls or monthly adjustments, when the yarns are natural very dark every three weeks. In the case of fuses, the frequency should be one to three months. And note: "Do not let retouch an existing lock, because this excess application of chemical is a cause of breakage of wires," says Mark.
Escape the homemade solutions

Normally, the tone that is packed in the staining does not reflect reality, so be attentive to it. It may also happen that the desired color look great in the first application, but not at later, "added the hairstylist.
In other words, forget the idea of staying at home blonde! ;-)
And when it goes wrong ...
You have not heard the advice of experts, decided discolor the wires on their own and the result is far from being the one waiting? So carefully read the following explanations.
You know that "green-blonde hair"? Sandro says this occurs when there is a large concentration of ash in the applied color. The secret is to use a little red at the time of preparing the dye.
Another tone that nobody wants to have is the "egg yolk". "When this happens, the Brazilian hair tends to get booked. Hence the importance of consulting a professional who understands color. In general, this correction is done using a bit of gray, "says the expert.
There is also the "blonde pharmacy", which does not suit anyone. Fabinho explains that by not having complementary shades or nuances, strikes the eye when dark roots is perceived. Also, the wires tend to become dry and damaged.
To take care of dyed yarns and prevent fading of color, use the Color Line Silk Pro with antioxidant and Bio Keratin. His most radiant and healthy hair every day.
In all these cases, the tip is simple: look for a professional hairdresser!
Care before, during and after
To avoid excessive wear of the wires and the appearance of split ends Fabinho suggests the use of a bleaching replenisher, which decreases the amount of bleaching required to achieve the desired result. He noted that with bleaching powder and peroxide, you can reach the average blonde. Already using the product, the professional reaches even the lighter shades.
As important as maintaining the health of wires days after staining are daily and weekly care before dyeing. "Use shampoos, conditioners, styling creams and treatment for colored hair, and light bulbs for instant hydration, which renew and treat the wires from the inside out," recommends Sandro.
After following all the recommendations of our experts, you will be ready to parade around a beautiful, light and blonde! ;-)
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